American Square Dances of The West
& Southwest - online instruction book

With Calls, instructions, diagrams, steps & sheet music

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This introductory figure and call is from Jimmy Clossin of El Paso, Texas, and is a variation of Introductory Call Nine.
The dancers form a ring of eight which circles half around clockwise. The dancers then reverse their direction and dance home counterclockwise, in single file.
Upon reaching home place, the gentlemen continue their counterclockwise Promenade in single file, while the ladies reverse their direction imth a right-face turn, and dance clock­wise around the outside of the sttj while the gentlemen dance counterclockwise on the inside of the set. This produces a pattern of two circles moving counter to each other, each circle in single file.
When Partners meet on the opposite side of the set, they take right hands in a slight balance and continue with a Grand Right and Left movement to home place, where Partners meet and Promenade around the set.
While this is a very old dance, Ray Smith of Dallas, Texas, has made the call famous.
The First and Third Couples dance three steps forward and three steps backward, then dance forward and swing their Op-posites by the right hand until Partners meet. Partners swing by the left hand until facing toward their Corners whom they dance to and swing by the right hand until facing their home place. All now swing Partners by the left hand, and then dance toward